Stanley Kubrick's 2001 A Space Odyssey |
2001 A Space Odyssey Stanley
Kubrick US 1968
25th Hour Spike
Lee US 2002
3 Women Robert
Altman US 1977
400 Blows, The Francois
Truffaut France 1959
8 1/2 Federico
Fellini Italy 1963
A.I Artificial Intelligent Steven Spielberg US
Adaptation Spike
Jonze US 2002
Adventures Of Robin Hood, TheMichael Curtiz US 1938
After Dark, My Sweet James
Foley US 1990
After Hours Martin
Scorsese US 1985
Age of Innocence, The Martin Scorsese US 1993
Aguirre The Wrath of God Werner Herzog Germany 1972
Ali Fear Eats The Soul Rainer Werner Fassbinder Germany
Alien Ridley
Scott US 1979
All About Eve Joseph
L. Mankiewicz US 1950
Amadeus Milos
Forman US 1984
Amarcord Federico
Fellini Italy 1973
Annie Hall Woody
Allen US 1977
Aparajito Satyajit
Ray India 1957
Apartment, The Billy
Wilder US 1960
Apocalypse Now Francis
Ford Coppola US 1979
Army of Shadows Jean
Pierre Melville France 1969
Atlantic City Louis
Malle US 1980
Au Hasard Balthazar
Robert Bresson France 1966
Au Revoir Les Enfents Louis Malle France 1987
Autumn Afternoon, An Yasujiro
Ozu Japan 1962
Babel Alejandro
Gonzales Inarritu US 2006
Badlands Terrence
Malick US 1973
Ballad of Narayama, The Keisuke Kinoshita Japan 1958
Ballad of Narayama, The Keisuke Kinoshita Japan 1958
Band Wagon, The Vincente
Minnelli US 1953
Bank Dick, The Edward
F. Cline US 1940
Baraka Ron
Fricke US 1992
Barry Lyndon Stanley
Kubrick US 1975
Battle of Algiers, The Gillo Pontecorvo Algeria
Battleship Potemkin, The Sergei Eisenstein Russia 1925
Beat The Devil John
Huston US 1953
Beauty and The Beast Jean
Cocteau France 1946
Being There Hal
Ashby US 1979
Belle De Jour Luis
Bunuel France 1967
Best Years of Our Lives, The William Wyler US 1946
Bicycle Thief, The Vittorio
De Sica Italy 1948
Big Heat, The Fritz
Lang US 1953
Big Lebowski, The Joel
Coen US 1998
Big Red One, The (Restored Version) Samuel Fuller US 1980
Big Sleep, The Howard
Hawks US 1946
Birth of A Nation, The D.W. Griffith US 1915
Blade Runner Ridley
Scott US 1982
Blow Up Michelangelo
Antonioni UK 1966
Blue Krzysztof
Kieslowski France 1993
Blue Kite, The Tian
Zhuang Zhuang China 1993
Bob Le Flambeur
Jean Pierre Melville France
Body Heat
Lawrence Kasdan US 1981
Bonnie and Clyde Arthur
Penn US 1967
Breathless Jean
Luc Godard France 1960
Bride Of Frankenstein James Whale US 1935
Bridge on The River Kwai, The David Lean UK
Bring Me The Head of Alfredo Garcia Sam Peckinpah US 1974
Broken Blossoms D.W.
Griffith US 1919
Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, The Robert Wiene Germany 1919
Cabiria Giovanni
Pastrone Italy 1914
Casablanca Michael
Curtiz US 1942
Cat People Jacques
Tourneur US 1942
Children of Paradise, The Marcel Carne France 1945
Chimes At Midnight / Falstaff Orson Welles US 1965
Chinatown Roman
Polanski US 1974
Chop Shop Ramin
Bahrani US 2007
Christmas Story, A Bob
Clark US 1983
Chuck Jones Three Cartoons Chuck Jones US
Circus, The Charles
Chaplin US 1928
Citizen Kane Orson
Welles US 1941
City Lights Charles
Chaplin US 1931
Color Purple, The Steven
Spielberg US 1985
Come and See Elem
Klimov Russia 1985
Contact Robert
Zemeckis US 1997
Conversation, The Francis
Ford Coppola US 1974
Cool Hand Luke Stuart
Rosenberg US 1967
Cries and Whispers Ingmar
Bergman Sweden 1972
Crimes and Misdeamenors Woody Allen US 1989
Crumb Terry
Zwigoff US 1994
Dark City Alex
Proyas US 1998
Day For Night Francois
Truffaut France 1973
Days of Heaven Terrence
Malick US 1978
Dead, The John
Huston US 1987
Decalogue, The Krzysztof
Kieslowski Poland 1989
Departures / Okuribito Yojiro Takita Japan 2008
Detour Edgar
G. Ulmer US 1945
Diary of A Country Priest Robert Bresson France
Diary of A Lost Girl G.W. Pabst Germany 1929
Discreet Charm Of The Bougeoisie, The Luis Bunuel France 1972
Diva Jean
Jacques Beineix France 1981
Do The Right Thing (Criterion) Spike Lee US 1989
Dog Day Afternoon Sidney
Lumet US 1975
Don't Look Now Nicolas
Roeg UK 1973
Double Indemnity Billy
Wilder US 1944
Double Life of Veronique, The Krzysztof Kieslowski France 1991
Dr. Strangelove Stanley
Kubrick US 1964
Dracula Tod
Browning US 1931
Duck Soup Leo
McCarey US 1933
E.T. Steven
Spielberg US 1982
Earrings Of Madame De… Max Ophuls France 1953
Easy Rider Dennis
Hopper US 1969
El Norte Gregory
Nava Guatemala 1983
El Topo Alejandro
Jodorowsky Mexico 1970
Enigma of Kaspar Hauser, The / Everyman For Himself
and God Against All Werner Herzog Germany 1974
Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind Michel Gondry US 2004
Exotica Atom
Egoyan Canada 1994
Exterminating Angel, The Luis Bunuel Mexico 1962
Fall of The House Of Usher, The James Watson US 1928
Fanny and Alexander
Ingmar Bergman Sweden 1982
Faust F.W.
Murnau Germany 1926
Fireman's Ball, The
Milos Forman Czech 1967
Fitzcarraldo Werner
Herzog Germany 1982
Five Easy Pieces Bob
Rafelson US 1970
Floating Weeds Yasujiro
Ozu Japan 1959
Forbidden Games Rene Clement France 1952
French Can Can Jean
Renoir France 1955
Gates of Heaven Errol
Morris US 1978
General, The Buster
Keaton US 1927
Godfather Part 2, The Francis Ford Coppola US 1974
Godfather, The Francis
Ford Coppola US 1972
Goldfinger Guy
Hamilton UK 1964
Gone With The Wind Victor
Fleming US 1939
Good, The Bad and The Ugly, The Sergio Leone
Italy 1966
Goodfellas Martin
Scorsese US 1990
Gospel According To St. Matthew Pier Paolo Pasolini
Italy 1964
Grand Illusion, The
Jean Renoir France 1937
Grapes of Wrath, The John Ford US 1940
Grave of The Fireflies Isao Takahata Japan 1988
Great Dictator, The Charles
Chaplin US 1940
Great Expectations David
Lean UK 1946
Greed (Uncut) Erich
Von Stroheim US 1924
Grey Zone, The Tim
Blake Nelson US 2001
Groundhog Day Harold
Ramis US 1993
Hairdresser's Husband Patrice Leconte France 1990
Harakiri Masaki
Kobayashi Japan 1962
Hard Day's Night, A Richard
Lester UK 1964
Heart of Glass Werner
Herzog Germany 1976
Hidden / Cache
Michael Haneke France 2005
Hoop Dreams (Criterion) Steve James US 1994
House of Games David
Mamet US 1987
Howard's End James
Ivory UK 1992
Hustler, The Robert
Rossen US 1961
Ikiru (Criterion) Akira
Kurosawa Japan 1952
In A Lonely Place Nicholas
Ray US 1950
In Cold Blood Richard
Brooks US 1967
Inherit The Wind Stanley
Kramer US 1960
It's A Wonderful Life Frank Capra US 1946
Ivan The Terrible
Sergei Eisenstein Russia 1944
Jaws Steven
Spielberg US 1975
JFK Oliver
Stone US 1991
Johnny Guitar Nicholas
Ray US 1954
Jules and Jim
Francois Truffaut France 1962
Juliet Of The Spirits Federico Fellini Italy
Killer Of Sheep Charles
Burnett US 1977
Killing, The Stanley
Kubrick US 1955
Kind Hearts and Coronets Robert Hamer UK 1949
King Kong Merian
C. Cooper US 1933
L.A. Confidential Curtis
Hanson US 1997
La Belle Noiseuse Jacques
Rivette France 1991
La Ceremonie Claude
Chabrol France 1995
La Collectioneusse Eric
Rohmer France 1967
La Dolce Vita Federico
Fellini Italy 1960
Lady Eve, The
Preston Sturges US 1941
Last Laugh, The F.W.
Murnau Germany 1924
Last Picture Show, The Peter Bogdanovich US
Last Tango In Paris Bernardo
Bertolucci Italy 1972
Last Temptation of Christ, The Martin Scorsese US 1988
Last Year at Marienbad Alain Resnais France 1961
L'atalante Jean
Vigo France 1934
Late Spring Yasujiro
Ozu Japan 1949
Laura Otto
Preminger US 1944
Michelangelo Antonioni Italy
Lawrence of Arabia David
Lean UK 1962
Le Boucher Claude
Chabrol France 1970
Le Samourai Jean
Pierre Melville France 1967
Leaving Las Vegas Mike
Figgis US 1995
Leolo Jean-Claude
Lauzon Canada 1992
Leon Morin Priest Jean
Pierre Melville France 1961
Leopard, The Luchino
Visconti Italy 1963
Life and Death of Colonel Blimp Michael Powell UK 1943
Life of Oharu Kenji Mizoguchi Japan 1952
Life of Oharu Kenji Mizoguchi Japan 1952
Long Goodbye, The Robert
Altman US 1973
Lost in Translation Sofia
Copolla US 2003
M Fritz
Lang Germany 1931
M. Hulot's Holiday Jacques
Tati France 1953
Magnolia Paul
Thomas Anderson US 1999
Make Way for Tomorrow Leo McCarey US 1937
Maltese Falcon, The John
Huston US 1941
Man Escaped, A Robert
Bresson France 1956
Man Who Laughs, The Paul
Muni US 1928
Man Who Shot Liberty Valance, The John Ford US 1962
Man with The Movie Camera, The Dziga Vertov Russia 1929
Manchurian Candidate, The John Frankenheimer US 1962
Manhattan Woody
Allen US 1979
Marriage of Maria Braun, The R.W. Fassbinder Germany
Match Factory Girl, The Aki Kaurismaki Finland
McCabe and Mrs Miller Robert Altman US
Mean Streets Martin
Scorsese US 1973
Mephisto Istvan
Szabo Hungary 1981
Metropolis Fritz
Lang Germany 1927
Mishima Paul
Schrader US 1985
Mon Oncle Jacques
Tati France 1958
Mon Oncle Antoine Claude
Jutra Canada 1971
Mon Oncle D'amerique Alain
Resnais France 1980
Monsieur Hire Bertrand Blier France 1989
Monsieur Hire Bertrand Blier France 1989
Moolade / Protection Ousmane
Sembene Senegal 2004
Moonstruck Norman
Jewison US 1987
Mulholland Dr. David Lynch US 2001
Mulholland Dr. David Lynch US 2001
Music Room, The / Jalsaghar Satyajit Ray India 1958
My Darling Clementine John Ford US 1946
My Dinner With Andre Louis
Malle France 1981
My Fair Lady George
Cukor US 1964
My Life To Live / Vivre Sa Vie Jean Luc Godard France 1962
My Man Godfrey
Gregory La Cava US 1936
My Neighbor Totoro Hayao
Miyazaki Japan 1988
Mystery Train Jim
Jarmusch US 1989
Nanook of The North (Criterion) Robert Flaherty US 1922
Nashville Robert
Altman US 1975
Network Sidney
Lumet US 1976
Night Moves Arthur
Penn US 1975
Night of The Hunter, The Charles Laughton US
Nights of Cabiria Federico
Fellini Italy 1957
Nosferatu F.W.
Murnau Germany 1922
Nosferatu Werner
Herzog Germany 1979
Notorious Alfred
Hitchcock US 1946
On The Waterfront Elia
Kazan US 1954
One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest Milos Forman US 1975
Only Son, The Yasujiro
Ozu Japan 1936
Ordet Carl
Dreyer Denmark 1955
Orpheus Jean
Cocteau France 1949
Out of The Past Jacques
Tourneur US 1947
Pale Flower Masahiro
Shinoda Japan 1964
Pandora's Box G.W.
Pabst Germany 1929
Pan's Labyrinth Guillermo
Del Toro Spain 2006
Paris, Texas Wim
Wenders US 1984
Passion of Joan Of Arc, The Carl Dreyer France 1928
Pather Panchali Satyajit
Ray India 1955
Paths of Glory Stanley
Kubrick US 1957
Patton Franklin
J. Schaffner US 1970
Peeping Tom Michael
Powell UK 1960
Persona Ingmar
Bergman Sweden 1966
Phantom of The Opera, The (25) Rupert Julian US 1925
Pickpocket (Criterion) Robert Bresson France 1959
Picnic At Hanging Rock (Criterion) Peter Weir Australia 1975
Pink Floyd The Wall Alan
Parker US 1982
Pinocchio Walt
Disney US 1940
Pixote Hector
Babenco Brazil 1981
Planes, Trains and Automobile John Hughes US
Playtime Jacques
Tati France 1967
Pledge, The Sean
Penn US 2001
Prairie Home Companion, A Robert Altman US 2006
Producers, The Mel
Brooks US 1968
Psycho Alfred
Hitchcock US 1960
Pulp Fiction Quentin
Tarantino US 1994
Raging Bull Martin
Scorsese US 1980
Raiders Of The Lost Ark Steven Spielberg US 1981
Raise The Red Lantern Zhang Yimou China 1991
Ran Akira
Kurosawa Japan 1985
Rashomon (Criterion) Akira Kurosawa Japan
Rear Window Alfred
Hitchcock US 1954
Rebel Without A Cause Nicholas Ray US 1955
Red Krzysztof
Kieslowski France 1994
Red Beard Akira
Kurosawa Japan 1965
Red River Howard
Hawks US 1948
Red Shoes, The Michael
Powell UK 1948
Richard III Richard
Loncraine UK 1995
Rififi Jules
Dassin France 1955
Right Stuff, The Philip
Kaufman US 1983
Rio Bravo Howard
Hawks US 1959
Ripley's Game Liliana
Cavani Italy 2002
River, The Jean
Renoir France 1951
Rocco and His Brothers Luchino Visconti Italy 1960
Romeo and Juliet Franco
Zeffirelli Italy 1968
Rules of The Game, The Jean Renoir France 1939
Safety Last Harold
Lloyd US 1923
Samurai Rebellion Masaki
Kobayashi Japan 1967
Sansho The Bailliff
Kenji Mizoguchi Japan 1954
Santa Sangre Alejandro
Jodorowsky Mexico 1989
Saturday Night Fever John Badham US 1977
Say Anything Cameron
Crowe US 1989
Scarface (1983) Brian
De Palma US 1983
Scarlet Empress, The Josef Von Stenrberg US
Schindler's List Steven
Spielberg US 1993
Searchers, The John
Ford US 1956
Secrets and Lies Mike
Leigh UK 1996
Senso Luchino
Visconti Italy 1954
Seven David
Fincher US 1995
Seven Samurai Akira
Kurosawa Japan 1954
Seventh Seal, The Ingmar Bergman Sweden 1957
Shadow of A Doubt Alfred
Hitchcock US 1943
Shane George
Stevens US 1953
Shawshank Redemption, The Frank Darabont US 1994
Shining, The Stanley
Kubrick US 1980
Shoah Claude
Lanzman France 1985
Silence of The Lambs, The Jonathan Demme US 1991
Silence, The (Criterion) Ingmar Bergman Sweden
Singin' In The Rain Stanley
Donen US 1952
Smiles of A Summer Night Ingmar Bergman Sweden
Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs Walt Disney US 1937
Solaris Andrei
Tarkovsky Russia 1972
Some Like It Hot Billy
Wilder US 1959
Souls For Sale Rupert
Hughes US 1923
Spirit of The Beehive Victor Erice Spain 1973
Spirit of The Beehive Victor Erice Spain 1973
Spirited Away Hayao
Miyazaki Japan 2001
Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter… and Spring Kim Ki Duk
Korea 2003
Stagecoach John
Ford US 1939
Star Wars George
Lucas US 1977
Strangers on a Train Alfred
Hitchcock US 1951
Stroszek Werner
Herzog Germany 1977
Sunday in The Country, A Bertrand Tavernier France 1984
Sunrise F.W.
Murnau US 1927
Sunset Boulevard Billy
Wilder US 1950
Superman Richard
Donner US 1978
Sweet Smell of Success Alexander Mackendrick US
Swing Time George
Stevens US 1936
Tale of Winter, A Eric
Rohmer France 1992
Tender Mercies Bruce
Beresford US 1983
Terrorist, The Santosh
Sivan India 1999
Thief of Bagdad, The Michael Powell, Ludwig Berger UK 1940
Thin Man, The W.S.
Van Dyke US 1934
Third Man, The Carol
Reed US 1949
This Is Spinal Tap Rob
Reiner US 1984
Through A Glass Darkly Ingmar Bergman Sweden 1961
Tokyo Story
Yasujiro Ozu Japan 1953
Top Gun Tony
Scott US 1986
Touch of Evil Orson
Welles US 1958
Touchez Pas Au Grisbi Jacques Becker France
Treasure of The Sierra Madre, The John Huston US 1948
Triumph of The Will Leni
Riefenstahl Germany 1934
Trouble In Paradise Ernst
Lubitsch US 1932
Ugetsu Kenji
Mizoguchi Japan 1953
Umberto D (Criterion) Vittorio De Sica Italy
Un Chien Andalou Luis
Bunuel Spain 1929
Unforgiven Clint
Eastwood US 1992
Up Documentaries Michael
Apted UK V
Vengeance Is Mine Shohei
Imamura Japan 1979
Veronika Voss Rainer Werner Fassbinder Japan 1982
Veronika Voss Rainer Werner Fassbinder Japan 1982
Vertigo Alfred
Hitchcock US 1958
Victim Basil
Dearden UK 1961
Viridiana Luis
Bunuel Mexico 1961
W.R Mystery Of The Organism Dusan Makavejev Serbia 1971
Waking Life Richard
Linklater US 2001
Walkabout Nicolas
Roeg Australia 1971
Werckmeister Harmonies Bela Tarr Hungary 2001
West Side Story Robert
Wise US 1961
What Ever Happened To Baby Jane Robert Aldrich US 1962
White Krzysztof
Kieslowski France 1994
Wild Bunch, The Sam
Peckinpah US 1969
Wings of Desire Wim
Wenders Germany 1987
Winter Light (Criterion) Ingmar Bergman Sweden
Withnail and I Bruce
Robinson UK 1987
Wizard of Oz, The Victor
Fleming US 1939
Woman in The Dunes Hiroshi
Teshigahara Japan 1964
Woman's Tale, A Paul
Cox Australia 1991
Woodstock The Director's Cut Michael Wadleigh US 1970
World of Apu, The Satyajit
Ray India 1959
Written On The Wind Douglas
Sirk US 1956
Yankee Doodle Dandy Michael
Curtiz US 1942
Year of The Quiet Sun, The Krzysztof Zanussi Poland 1984
Yellow Submarine George
Dunning UK 1968
Yojimbo Akira
Kurosawa Japan 1961
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