Saturday, November 15, 2014
The Pornographers | Andik's Take
Friday, November 14, 2014
Intentions of Murders | Andik's Take
Thursday, November 13, 2014
The Book of Life | Andik's Take
The Insect Woman | Andik's Take
Wednesday, November 12, 2014
2015 Oscar Foreign Language Entry (Full List) | Spotlight | Variety
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Wild Tales from Argentina is one of the 2015 Oscar Foreign Language category front runner |
Selma | Reviews | Variety
A half-century on from Martin Luther King Jr.’s historic
voting-rights march from Selma, Alabama to the state capitol in
Montgomery, director Ava DuVernay
revisits those events with startling immediacy, dramatic force and
filmmaking verve in “Selma.” A far cry from the dutiful biopic or
ossified history lesson it could have become in lesser hands (or the
campy free-for-all the project’s original director, Lee Daniels, might
have made of it), DuVernay’s razor-sharp portrait of the civil rights
movement — and Dr. King himself — at a critical crossroads is as
politically astute as it is psychologically acute, giving us a
human-scale King whose indomitable public face belies currents of
weariness and self-doubt. Bolstered by Paul Webb’s literate,
well-researched script and David Oyelowo’s
graceful, majestic lead performance, DuVernay has made the kind of
movie that gives year-end “prestige” pics a good name, which should
equate to considerable box-office and awards-season gold for this Dec.
25 Paramount release. |
Haemoo Won Best Narrative Feature in Hawaii | Festival | FBA
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Haemoo won Best Narrative Film at 2014 Hawaii Film Festival and It is become South Korean official entry to the Oscar Best Foreign Language Selection |
American Sniper | Reviews | Variety
A superb performance by Bradley Cooper anchors Clint Eastwood's harrowing and thoughtful dramatization of the life of Navy SEAL Chris Kyle. |
Roy Andersson Interviews at 2014 Stockholm Film Festival | Interviews | Variety
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
Pigs and Battleships | Andik's Take
Magnolia bought Gentlemen
2014 Top Oscar Contender by Variety
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Clint Eastwood's American Sniper starring Bradley Cooper |
Stolen Desire I Andik's Take
IFC Midnight bought Dupieux's Reality
Le Pacte takes Thomas Vinterberg's The Commune | News | Screen
Le Pacte takes Thomas Vinterberg's The Commune | News | Screen
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The story explores the clash between personal desires, solidarity and tolerance in a 1970s commune. The ensemble cast is led by Ulrich Thomsen, Trine Dyrholm, Fares Fares and Lars Ranthe. |
My Mistress | Reviews | Screen
My Mistress | Reviews | Screen
Endless Desire I Andik's Take
The Hunger Game - Mockingjay Part 1 I Reviews I Variety
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Katniss Everdeen becomes the face of a revolution in “Mockingjay — Part 1,” a tricky transitional episode of “The Hunger Games” franchise that abandons the reality-TV bloodsports of the first two movies to conjure a dour, grimly escalating vision of all-out war. Unsubtly resonant, at times quite rousing and somewhat unsatisfying by design, this penultimate series entry is a tale of mass uprising and media manipulation that itself evinces no hint of a rebellious streak or subversive spirit: Suzanne Collins’ novels may have warned against the dangers of giving the masses exactly what they want to see, but at this point, the forces behind this hugely commercial property are not about to risk doing anything but. It’s a sensible if not exactly inspired strategy, and with Jennifer Lawrence once more carrying the proceedings and director Francis Lawrence (no relation) dutifully replicating the elements of an inherently cinematic story, Lionsgate’s plans for worldwide B.O. domination look secure. |
The Gambler | Reviews | Screen
Sunday, November 9, 2014
Interstellar Christopher Nolan US 2014 9/10 - As earth resources are dwindling down, scientist and astronauts join together to explore the possibility of finding a place beyond earth that could sustain life. Once again Christopher Nolan give a though provoking element in otherwise regular Hollywood blockbuster for the masses. This all star casts space opera is definitely one of the best film of the year
Tuesday, June 3, 2014

In one of the best court room drama of all time, 12 jury member in a murder trial must decide the faith of a young man. 1957BERic, 1957LOCic, 1958AA.
12 Years A Slave Steve
McQueen UK 2013
13 Tzameti Gela
Babluani Georgia 2005
2001 A Space Odyssey Stanley
Kubrick US 1968
3 Idiots Rajkumar
Hirani India 2009
3 Women (Criterion) Robert
Altman US 1977
3:10 To Yuma James
Mangold US 2007
36 Quai Des Orfevres Olivier
Marchal France 2004
4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days Cristian Mungiu Romania
400 Blows, The Francois
Truffaut France 1959
42nd Street Lloyd
Bacon US 1933
49th Parallel Michael
Powell UK 1941
9 1/2 Weeks Adrian
Lyne US 1986
9th Company, The Fyodor
Bondarchuk Russia 2005
Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein Charles Barton US 1948
About Elly Asghar
Farhadi Iran 2009
About Last Night Edward
Zwick US 1986
About Schmidt Alexander
Payne US 2002
Accatone Pier
Paolo Pasolini Italy 1961
Accident Joseph
Losey UK 1967
Accidental Tourist, The Lawrence
Kasdan US 1988
Accused, The Jonathan
Kaplan US 1988
Ace In the Hole Billy
Wilder US 1951
Adalen 31 Bo
Widerberg Sweden 1969
Adam's Apples Anders
Thomas Jensen Denmark 2005
Adaptation Spike
Jonze US 2002
Address Unknown Kim
Ki Duk South Korea 2001
Adventures Of Robin Hood, The Michael Curtiz US 1938
Advise and Consent Otto
Preminger US 1962
Affair To Remember, An Leo
McCarey US 1957
African Queen, The John
Huston US 1951
After Dark, My Sweet James
Foley US 1990
After Hours Martin
Scorsese US 1985
After Innocence Jessica
Sanders US 2005
After Life Hirokazu
Kore-Eda Japan 1998
After The Wedding Susanne
Bier Denmark 2006
After Tiller Martha
Shane, Lana Wilson US 2013
Aftershock Feng
Xiaogang China 2010
Age of Innocence, The Martin
Scorsese US 1993
Aguirre The Wrath of God Werner
Herzog Germany 1972
Ajami Scandar
Copti Israel 2009
Akira Katsuhiro
Otomo Japan 1988
Alexandra Alexander
Sokurov Russia 2007
Alfie Lewis Gilbert
UK 1966
Ali Fear Eats The Soul (Criterion) Rainer Werner Fassbinder Germany
Ali Zaoua Nabil
Ayouch Morocco 2000
Alice Adams George
Stevens US 1935
Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore Martin Scorsese US 1974
Alien Ridley Scott US 1979
Aliens James Cameron US 1986
All About Eve Joseph
L. Mankiewicz US 1950
All About My Mother Pedro
Almodovar Spain 1999
All or Nothing Mike
Leigh UK 2002
All Quiet On The Western Front Lewis Milestone US
All That Jazz Bob
Fosse US 1979
All The King's Men Robert
Rossen US 1949
All The President's Men Alan
J. Pakula US 1976
Amadeus Milos
Forman US 1984
Amarcord (Criterion) Federico
Fellini Italy 1973
American Beauty Sam
Mendes US 1999
American Friend, The Wim
Wenders Germany 1977
American Gangster Ridley
Scott US 2007
American Gigolo Paul
Schrader US 1980
American Graffiti George
Lucas US 1973
American Hustle David
O. Russell US 2013
American In Paris, An Vincente
Minnelli US 1951
Amores Perros Alejandro
Gonzales Inarritu Mexico 2000
Amour Michael Haneke Austria 2012
Anatomy Of A Murder Otto
Preminger US 1959
Angel At My Table, An Jane
Campion New Zealand 1990
Angel Heart Alan
Parker US 1987
Ankur / Seedling, The Shyam
Benegal India 1974
Anna Karenina Joe
Wright UK 2012
Annie Hall Woody
Allen US 1977
Another Woman Woody
Allen US 1988
Another Year Mike
Leigh UK 2010
Antonia's Line Marleen
Gorris Netherlands 1995
Aparajito Satyajit
Ray India 1957
Apartment, The Billy
Wilder US 1960
Apocalypse Now Francis
Ford Coppola US 1979
Apocalypto Mel
Gibson US 2006
Apollo 13 Ron
Howard US 1995
Argo Ben Affleck US 2012
Arini: Masih Ada Kereta Yang Lewat Sophan Sophiaan Indonesia 1987
Armour of God Jackie
Chan Hong Kong 1986
Armour of God 2 Jackie
Chan Hong Kong 1990
Army of Shadows Jean
Pierre Melville France 1969
Around The World in 80 Days (1956) Michael Anderson US
Arrival of A Train at A Station Louis Lumiere France 1895
Art of Crying, The Peter
Schonau Denmark 2006
Arthur Steve Gordon US 1981
Artist, The Michel
Hazanavicious France 2011
As Good As It Gets James
L. Brooks US 1997
Asphalt Jungle, The John
Huston US 1950
Atlantic City Louis
Malle US 1980
Atonement Joe
Wright UK 2007
Attack Robert Aldrich US 1956
Au Hasard Balthazar Robert
Bresson France 1966
Au Revoir Les Enfents Louis
Malle France 1987
August: Osage Country John
Wells US 2013
Autumn Sonata (Criterion) Ingmar
Bergman Sweden 1978
Avalon Barry
Levinson US 1990
Aviator, The Martin
Scorsese US 2004
Babe Chris Noonan Australia 1995
Babel Alejandro
Gonzales Inarritu US 2006
Babette's Feast Gabriel
Axel Denmark 1987
Bad Education Pedro
Almodovar Spain 2004
Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans Werner Herzog US 2009
Badai Pasti Berlalu Teguh
Karya Indonesia 1977
Badlands Terrence
Malick US 1973
Ballad of A Soldier Grigori
Chukhrai Russia 1959
Ballad of Narayama, The Shohei
Imamura Japan 1983
Band Wagon, The Vincente
Minnelli US 1953
Banishment, The Andrei
Zvyagintsev Russia 2007
Barbarian Invasions, The Denys
Arcand Canada 2003
Barrio Fernando
Leon De Aranoa Spain 1998
Barry Lyndon Stanley
Kubrick US 1975
Bashing Masahiro
Kobayashi Japan 2005
Batman Begins Christopher
Nolan US 2005
Battle of Algiers, The Gillo
Pontecorvo Algeria 1966
Battle Royale Kinji
Fukasaku Japan 2000
Battleship Potemkin, The Sergei
Eisenstein Russia 1925
Beasts of The Southern Wild Benh
Zeitlin US 2012
Beat The Devil John
Huston US 1953
Beau Travail Claire
Denis France 1999
Beaufort Joseph
Cedar Israel 2007
Beauty and The Beast Kirk
Wise US 1991
Beauty and The Beast Jean
Cocteau France 1946
Before Midnight Richard
Linklater US 2013
Before Sunset Richard
Linklater US 2004
Before The Devil Knows You're Dead Sidney Lumet US 2007
Beginning and The End, The Arturo
Ripstein Mexico 1993
Beguiled, The Don
Siegel US 1971
Behind The Sun Walter
Salles Brazil 2001
Ben Hur Fred
Niblo US 1925
Ben Hur William
Wyler US 1959
Bend It Like Beckham Gurinder
Chadha UK 2002
Berbagi Suami / Love For Share Nia Di Nata Indonesia 2006
Best Exotic Marigold Hotel, The John Madden UK 2012
Best Intentions, the Bille
August Sweden 1992
Best Of Youth, The Marco
Tullio Giordana Italy 2003
Best Years of Our Lives, The William Wyler US 1946
Bethlehem Yuval
Adler Israel 2013
Better Tomorrow 2, A John
Woo Hong Kong 1987
Better Tomorrow, A John
Woo Hong Kong 1986
Bicycle Thief, The Vittorio
De Sica Italy 1948
Big Penny
Marshall US 1988
Big Chill, The Lawrence
Kasdan US 1983
Big Heat, The Fritz
Lang US 1953
Big Parade, The King
Vidor US 1925
Big Red One, The (Restored Version) Samuel Fuller US 1980
Big Sleep, The Howard
Hawks US 1946
Billy Elliott Stephen
Daldry UK 2000
Billy Liar (Criterion) John
Schlesinger UK 1963
Birds, The Alfred
Hitchcock US 1963
Birth of A Nation, The / Civil War Films Of DW Griffith D.W. Griffith US 1915
Biutiful Alejandro
Gonzales Inarritu Spain, Mexico 2010
Black Cat White Cat Emir
Kusturica Serbia 1998
Black Rain Shohei
Imamura Japan 1989
Black Sunday / Mask of The Demon Mario Bava Italy 1960
Black Swan Darren
Aronofsky US 2010
Blackboard Jungle Richard
Brooks US 1955
Blade Runner Ridley
Scott US 1982
Blade Runner The Final Cut Ridley
Scott US 2007
Blessed Ana
Kokkinos Australia 2009
Blessed By Fire / Illuminados Por El Fuego Tristan Bauer Argentina 2005
Blow Out Brian
De Palma US 1981
Blow Up Michelangelo
Antonioni UK 1966
Blue Krzysztof
Kieslowski France 1993
Blue Collar Paul
Schrader 1978
Blue is The Warmest Color Abdellatif
Kechiche France 2013
Blue Kite, The Tian
Zhuang Zhuang China 1993
Blue Velvet David
Lynch US 1986
Bob Le Flambeur (Criterion) Jean
Pierre Melville France 1955
Body Heat Lawrence
Kasdan US 1981
Born On The Fourth Of July Oliver
Stone US 1989
Born Yesterday George
Cukor US 1950
Bounty, The Roger
Donaldson US 1984
Bourne Ultimatum Paul
Greengrass US 2007
Boys Don't Cry Kimberly
Peirce US 1999
Boys In The Band, The William
Friedkin US 1970
Boyz N The Hood John
Singleton US 1991
Breaker Morant Bruce
Beresford Australia 1980
Breakfast At Tiffany's Blake
Edwards US 1961
Breakfast Club, The John
Hughes US 1985
Breaking The Waves Lars
Von Trier Denmark 1996
Breathless Jean
Luc Godard France 1960
Bride Of Frankenstein James
Whale US 1935
Brideshead Revisited Julian
Jarrold UK 2008
Bridge on The River Kwai, The David Lean UK 1957
Bridges Of Madison County Clint
Eastwood US 1995
Brighter Summer Day, A Edward
Yang Taiwan 1991
Bring Me The Head of Alfredo Garcia Sam Peckinpah US
Broadcast News James
L. Brooks US 1987
Broadway Danny Rose Woody
Allen US 1984
Brokeback Mountain Ang
Lee US 2005
Broken Blossoms D.W.
Griffith US 1919
Brothers Susanne
Bier Denmark 2004
Buena Vista Social Club Wim
Wenders Germany 1999
Bugsy Barry Levinson US 1991
Bukan Sandiwara Sjumandjaja Indonesia 1980
Bullet in The Head John
Woo Hong Kong 1990
Bullitt Peter Yates US 1968
Bully Larry Clark US 2001
Burden of Dreams Les
Blank US 1982
Burnt By The Sun Nikita
Mikhalkov Russia 1994
Burnt Money Marcelo
Pineyro Argentina 2000
Bus 174 Jose
Padilha Brazil 2002
Butch Cassidy and The Sundance Kid George Roy Hill US
Butterfly's Tonque / Butterfly Jose Luis Cuerda Spain
C.R.A.Z.Y Jean
Marc Vallee Canada 2005
Cabaret Bob
Fosse US 1972
Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, The Robert Wiene Germany 1919
Cabiria Giovanni
Pastrone Italy 1914
Camille Claudel Bruno
Nuytten France 1988
Camino Javier
Fesser Spain 2008
Camp De Thiaroye Ousmane
Sembene Senegal 1987
Can Rasit
Celikezer Turkey 2012
Capote Bennett
Miller US 2005
Captain Phillips Paul
Greengrass US 2013
Capturing The Friedmans (Docu) Andrew Jarecki US 2003
Carlos Olivier Assayas France 2010
Carmen Jones Otto
Preminger US 1954
Carrie Brian De Palma
US 1976
Casablanca Michael
Curtiz US 1942
Casino Martin Scorsese US 1995
Casino Royale Martin
Campbell UK 2006
Casualities of War Brian
De Palma US 1989
Cat on a Hot Tin Roof Richard
Brooks US 1958
Cat People Jacques
Tourneur US 1942
Catch Me If You Can Steven
Spielberg US 2002
Catfish Henry Joost US 2010
Celebration Thomas
Vinterberg Denmark 1998
Central Station Walter
Salles Brazil 1998
Centre Stage / Actress Stanley
Kwan Hong Kong 1992
C'est La Vie Mon Cheri Derek
Yee Hong Kong 1994
Chang: A Drama of The Wilderness Merian C. Cooper US
Changing Lanes Roger
Michell US 2002
Chant Of Jimmie Blacksmith, The Fred Schepisi Australia 1978
Chariots of Fire Hugh
Hudson UK 1981
Charlie And The Chocolate Factory Tim Burton US 2005
Charulata / Lonely Wife, The Satyajit Ray India 1964
Chicago Rob
Marshall US 2002
Chicken With Plums Marjane
Satrapi Iran 2011
Children of A Lesser God Randa
Haines US 1986
Children of Paradise, The (Criterion) / Les Enfants du
Paradis Marcel Carne France 1945
China Syndrome, The James
Bridges US 1979
Chinatown Roman
Polanski US 1974
Chinese Ghost Story, A Ching
Siu Tung Hong Kong 1987
Chorus Line, A Richard
Attenborough US 1985
Chronicle of The Years of Ember Mohammed Lakhdar Hamina Algeria 1975
Chungking Express Wong
Kar Wai Hong Kong 1994
Cinderella Man Ron
Howard US 2005
Cinema Paradiso Giuseppe
Tornatore Italy 1988
Cinta Dalam Sepotong Roti Garin
Nugroho Indonesia 1991
Cinta Pertama Teguh
Karya Indonesia 1973
Citadel, The King
Vidor US 1938
Citizen Kane Orson
Welles US 1941
City Lights Charles
Chaplin US 1931
City of God Fernando
Meirelles Brazil 2002
City of Life and Death Lu
Chuan China 2009
City of Sadness, A Hou
Hsiao Hsien Taiwan 1989
Class, The Laurent
Cantet France 2008
Classe Tous Risque / Big Risk, The Claude Sautet France 1960
Climates Nuri
Bilge Ceylan Turkey 2006
Clockmaker, The Bertrand
Tavernier France 1974
Clockwork Orange, A Stanley
Kubrick UK 1971
Close Encounters of The Third Kind Steven Spielberg US
Closer Mike Nichols US 2004
Cloud Atlas Tom
Tykwer, Andy Wachowski, Lana Wachowski US
Cloud Capped Star, The Ritwik
Ghatak India 1960
Coal Miner's Daughter Michael
Apted US 1980
Collateral Michael
Mann US 2004
Collector, The William
Wyler UK 1965
Colonel Redl Istvan
Szabo Hungary 1985
Color Purple, The Steven
Spielberg US 1985
Coming Home Hal
Ashby US 1978
Comrades Almost A Love Story Peter
Chan Hong Kong 1996
Conformist, The Bernardo
Bertolucci Italy 1970
Constant Gardener, The Fernando
Meirelles UK 2005
Contempt Jean
Luc Godard France 1963
Conversation, The Francis
Ford Coppola US 1974
Cook, The Thief, His Wife and Her Lover Peter Greenaway UK 1989
Cool Hand Luke Stuart
Rosenberg US 1967
Coup De Torchon (Criterion) Bertrand
Tavernier France 1981
Cranes Are Flying Mikhail
Kalatozov Russia 1957
Crash David
Cronenberg Canada 1996
Crash Paul Haggis US 2005
Cries and Whispers Ingmar
Bergman Sweden 1972
Crimes and Misdeamenors Woody
Allen US 1989
Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon Ang Lee Taiwan 2000
Crowd, The King
Vidor US 1928
Cruising William
Friedkin US 1980
Cry In The Dark, A Fred
Schepisi Australia 1988
Crying Game, The Neil
Jordan Ireland 1992
Curious Case of Benjamin Button, The David Fincher US
Cyclo Tran Anh Hung Vietnam 1995
Cyrano De Bergerac Jean
Paul Rappeneau France 1990
D.O.A Rudolph
Mate US 1950
Daisan No Kagemusha: The Third Shadow Warrior Inoue Umetsugu Japan 1963
Damage Louis
Malle UK 1992
Dancer In The Dark Lars
Von Trier Denmark 2000
Dances With Wolves Kevin
Costner US 1990
Dangerous Liaisons Stephen
Frears US 1988
Dangerous Method, A David
Cronenberg Canada 2011
Dark Knight, The Christopher
Nolan US 2008
Darling John
Schlesinger UK 1965
Dawn of The Dead George
Romero US 1978
Day For Night Francois
Truffaut France 1973
Day, A Han Ji Seung South Korea 2001
Days of Glory / Indigenes Rachid
Bouchareb Algeria 2006
Days of Heaven Terrence
Malick US 1978
Dead Again Kenneth
Branagh UK 1991
Dead End William
Wyler US 1937
Dead Man Jim
Jarmusch US 1995
Dead Man Walking Tim
Robbins US 1995
Dead Ringers David
Cronenberg Canada 1988
Dear America Letters Home From Vietnam Bill Couturie US 1987
Death By Hanging Nagisa
Oshima Japan 1968
Death of Mr. Lazarescu, The Cristi
Puiu Romania 2005
Deep Crimson Arturo
Ripstein Mexico 1996
Deer Hunter, The SE Michael
Cimino US 1978
Defiant Ones, The Stanley
Kramer US 1958
Deliverance John
Boorman US 1972
Delta Kornel
Mundruczo Hungary 2008
Demolition of A Wall Louis
Lumiere France 1896
Departed, The Martin
Scorsese US 2006
Departures / Okuribito
Yojiro Takita Japan 2008
Dersu Uzala Akira
Kurosawa Russia 1975
Desert Within, The Rodrigo
Pla Mexico 2008
Detour Edgar G. Ulmer US 1945
Devil Wears Prada, The David
Frankel US 2006
Devil, The Andrzej
Zulawski Poland 1972
Devils on The Doorsteps Jiang
Wen China 2000
Devil's Playground, The Fred
Schepisi Australia 1976
Devils, The Ken
Russell UK 1971
Diabolique Henri
Georges Clouzot France 1954
Dial M For Murder Alfred
Hitchcock US 1954
Dibalik Kelambu Teguh
Karya Indonesia 1983
Dick Tracy Warren
Beatty US 1990
Die Hard John
McTiernan US 1988
Dil Chahta Hai Farhan
Akhtar India 2001
Diner Barry Levinson US 1982
Dirty Dozen, The Robert
Aldrich US 1967
Dirty Harry Don
Siegel US 1971
Disconnect Henry
Alex Rubin US 2012
Discreet Charm Of The Bougeoisie, The Luis Bunuel France
Distance Hirokazu
Kore-Eda Japan 2001
Distant Nuri Bilge
Ceylan Turkey 2002
Distant Lights / Lichter Hans-Christian
Schmid Germany 2003
Diving Bell and The Butterfly, The Julian Schnabel France 2007
Do The Right Thing (Criterion) Spike Lee US 1989
Doctor Zhivago David
Lean UK 1965
Doea Tanda Mata Teguh
Karya Indonesia 1985
Dog Day Afternoon Sidney
Lumet US 1975
Dog Days Ulrich
Seidl Austria 2001
Dogfight Nancy
Savoca US 1991
Donnie Brasco Mike
Newell US 1997
Don't Let Me Drown Cruz
Angeles US 2009
Don't Look Now Nicolas
Roeg UK 1973
Double Indemnity Billy
Wilder US 1944
Double Life of Veronique, The Krzysztof Kieslowski France 1991
Doubt John Patrick
Shanley US 2008
Downfall Oliver
Hirschbiegel Germany 2004
Dr. Strangelove Stanley
Kubrick US 1964
Dreamgirls Bill
Condon US 2006
Dreamlife of Angels, The Erick
Zonca France 1998
Dressed To Kill Brian
De Palma US 1980
Drive Nicolas
Winding Refn US 2011
Driving Miss Daisy Bruce
Beresford US 1989
Drugstore Cowboy Gus
Van Sant US 1989
Drunken Master 2 Lau
Kar Leung Hong Kong 1994
Dry Summer Metin
Erksan Turkey 1964
E.T. Steven
Spielberg US 1982
Ear, The / Ucho Karel
Kachyna Czech 1970
Earrings Of Madame De… Max
Ophuls France 1953
Earth Deepa Mehta India 1998
East of Eden Elia
Kazan US 1955
Eastern Promises David
Cronenberg US 2007
Easy Rider Dennis
Hopper US 1969
Eat Drink Man Woman Ang
Lee Taiwan 1994
Echoes of The Rainbow Alex
Law Hong Kong 2010
Ed Wood Tim
Burton US 1994
Edge of Heaven, The Fatih
Akin Germany 2007
Education, An Lone
Scherfig UK 2009
Eel, The Shohei
Imamura Japan 1997
Eighteen Spring Ann
Hui Hong Kong 1997
El Luis Bunuel Mexico 1952
El Alamein Enzo
Monteleone Italy 2002
El Bola / Pellet Achero
Manas Spain 2000
El Norte Gregory
Nava Guatemala 1983
Election Johnnie
To Hong Kong 2005
Election 2 Johnnie
To Hong Kong 2006
Elena Andrei
Zvyagintsev Russia 2011
Elevator to The Gallows Louis
Malle France 1958
Eliana Eliana Riri
Riza Indonesia 2002
Elite Squad 2, The Jose
Padilha Brazil 2010
Elmer Gantry Richard
Brooks US 1960
Emigrants, The Jan
Troell Sweden 1971
Empire Strikes Back, The Irvin
Kershner US 1980
End of The Affair, The Neil
Jordan Ireland 1999
End of Watch David
Ayer US 2012
English Patient, The Anthony
Minghella UK 1996
Enigma of Kaspar Hauser, The / Everyman For Himself and God
Against All Werner Herzog Germany 1974
Erin Brockovich Steven
Soderbergh US 2000
Escape By Night / Era Notte A Roma Roberto Rossellini Italy 1960
Eternity and A Day Theo
Angelopoulos Greece 1998
Eureka Shinji Aoyama Japan 2000
Europa Europa Agnieszka
Holland Germany 1990
Everlasting Moments Jan
Troell Sweden 2008
Evil Mikael
Haafstroem Sweden 2003
Evita Alan Parker US 1996
Exiled Johnnie To Hong Kong 2006
Exorcist, The William
Friedkin US 1973
Expect The Unexpected Patrick
Yau Hong Kong 1998
Exterminating Angel, The Luis
Bunuel Mexico 1962
Eyes Without A Face (Criterion) Georges Franju France
Face / Off John
Woo US 1997
Fahrenheit 451 Francois
Truffaut France 1966
Faithless Liv
Ullmann Sweden 2000
Fallen Idol, The Carol
Reed UK 1948
Fame Alan Parker US 1980
Fanny and Alexander (Criterion) Ingmar Bergman Sweden
Far From Heaven Todd
Haynes US 2002
Farewell My Concubine Chen
Kaige China 1993
Fargo Joel Coen US 1996
Fast Runner, The / Atarnajuat Zacharias Kunuk Canada 2001
Fat City John
Huston US 1972
Fat Girl Catherine
Breillat France 2001
Fatal Attraction Adrian
Lyne US 1987
Fateless Lajos
Koltai Hungary 2005
Father of My Children Mia
Hansen Love France 2009
Father of The Bride Vincente
Minnelli US 1950
Feeding The Baby Louis
Lumiere France 1895
Few Good Men, A Rob
Reiner US 1992
Fifth Estate, The Bill
Condon US 2013
Fill The Void Rama
Burshtein Israel 2012
Finding Neverland Marc
Forster UK 2004
Fireman's Ball, The (Criterion) Milos Forman Czech 1967
Firm, The Sidney
Pollack US 1993
First Blood Ted
Kotcheff US 1982
Fists In The Pocket (Criterion) Marco Bellocchio Italy 1965
Fitzcarraldo Werner
Herzog Germany 1982
Five Easy Pieces Bob
Rafelson US 1970
Flags of Our Fathers Clint
Eastwood US 2006
Flight Robert
Zemeckis US 2012
Floating Life Clara
Law Australia 1996
Fly, The (Cronenberg) David
Cronenberg Canada 1986
Forbidden Games Rene
Clement France 1952
Forrest Gump Robert
Zemeckis US 1994
Four Days In September Bruno
Barreto Brazil 1997
Four Weddings and A Funeral Mike
Newell UK 1994
Frankenstein James
Whale US 1931
Freaks Tod Browning US 1932
Free Will, The Matthias
Glasner Germany 2006
French Connection, The William
Friedkin US 1971
Friendly Persuasion William
Wyler US 1956
From Here To Eternity Fred
Zinnemann US 1953
Frost / Nixon Ron
Howard US 2008
Fugitive, The Andrew
Davis US 1993
Full Metal Jacket Stanley
Kubrick US 1987
Funny Games Michael
Haneke Austria 1997
Gabbeh Mohsen
Makhmalbaf Iran 1996
Gandhi Richard
Attenborough UK 1982
Gangs of New York Martin
Scorsese US 2002
Gangs of Wasseypur Anurag
Kashyap India 2012
Garden of The Finzi Continis, The Vittorio De Sica Italy 1970
General, The Buster
Keaton US 1927
General, The John
Boorman UK 1998
Generale Della Rovere Roberto
Rossellini Italy 1959
Gentleman's Agreement Elia
Kazan US 1947
Germany Year Zero Roberto
Rossellini Italy 1948
Ghajini A.R.
Murugadoss India 2008
Ghostbusters Ivan
Reitman US 1984
Giant George Stevens
US 1956
Giovanna's Father Pupi
Avati Italy 2008
Girl On The Bridge Patrice
Leconte France 1999
Gladiator Ridley
Scott US 2000
Glengarry Glen Ross James
Foley US 1992
Gloria John
Cassavetes US 1980
Godfather Part 2, The Francis
Ford Coppola US 1974
Godfather Part 3, The Francis
Ford Coppola US 1990
Godfather, The Francis
Ford Coppola US 1972
Going My Way Leo
McCarey US 1944
Gold Rush, The Charles
Chaplin US 1925
Goldfinger Guy
Hamilton UK 1964
Gomorrah Matteo
Garrone Italy 2008
Gone Baby Gone Ben
Affleck US 2007
Gone With The Wind Victor
Fleming US 1939
Good Bye Lenin Wolfgang
Becker Germany 2003
Good Morning, Night Marco
Bellocchio Italy 2003
Good Morning, Vietnam Barry
Levinson US 1987
Goodfellas Martin
Scorsese US 1990
Goonies, The Richard
Donner US 1985
Gorillas In The Mist Michael
Apted US 1988
Gosford Park Robert
Altman UK 2001
Graduate, The Mike
Nichols US 1967
Gran Torino Clint
Eastwood US 2008
Grand Canyon Lawrence
Kasdan US 1991
Grand Illusion, The (Criterion) Jean Renoir France 1937
Grapes of Wrath, The John
Ford US 1940
Gravity Alfonso
Cuaron US 2013
Grease Randal
Kleiser US 1978
Great Dictator, The Charles
Chaplin US 1940
Great Santini, The Lewis
John Carlino US 1979
Great Train Robbery, The Edwin
S. Porter US 1903
Greed (Uncut) Erich
Von Stroheim US 1924
Green Zone Paul
Greengrass US 2010
Guide To Recognizing Your Saints, A Dito Montiel US
Half Nelson Ryan
Fleck US 2006
Halloween John
Carpenter US 1978
Hamlet Kenneth
Branagh UK 1996
Hannah and Her Sisters Woody
Allen US 1986
Happiness Todd
Solondz US 1998
Happy Together Wong
Kar Wai Hong Kong 1997
Harakiri Masaki
Kobayashi Japan 1962
Hard Boiled John
Woo Hong Kong 1992
Hardcore Paul
Schrader US 1979
Harlan County USA Barbara
Kopple US 1976
Harold and Maude Hal
Ashby US 1971
Hear and Now Irene
Brodsky US 2007
Heartland Richard
Pearce US 1979
Hearts of Darkness: A Filmmaker's Apocalypse Eleanor Coppola, George Hickenlooper US 1991
Heat Michael Mann US 1995
Heavenly Creatures Peter
Jackson New Zealand 1994
Heiress, The William
Wyler US 1949
Henry and June Philip
Kaufman US 1990
Her Spike Jonze US 2013
Herd, The / Suru Zeki
Okten, Yilmaz Guney Turkey 1978
Hereafter Clint
Eastwood US 2010
Here's Your Life Jan
Troell Sweden 1966
Heroic Trio Johnnie
To Hong Kong 1992
High and Low (Criterion) Akira
Kurosawa Japan 1963
High Noon Fred
Zinnemann US 1952
High Sierra Raoul
Walsh US 1941
Hiroshima Mon Amour Alain
Resnais France 1959
His Girl Friday Howard
Hawks US 1940
Historias Minimas / Intimate Stories Carlos Sorin Argentina 2002
History of Violence, A David
Cronenberg Canada 2005
Hole, The Tsai
Ming Liang Taiwan 1998
Hollywood Hong Kong Fruit
Chan Hong Kong 2001
Home and The World, The Satyajit
Ray India 1984
Home For The Weekend Hans
Christian Schmid Germany 2012
Homicide David
Mamet US 1991
Hope and Glory John
Boorman UK 1987
Hotel Rwanda Terry
George Rwanda 2004
Hours, The Stephen
Daldry US 2002
House By The River Fritz
Lang US 1950
House of Games David
Mamet US 1987
House of Mirth, The Terence
Davies UK 2000
Housemaid, The / Hayno Kim
Ki Young South Korea 1960
How Green Was My Valley John
Ford US 1941
Hugo Martin Scorsese US 2011
Human Condition 1 Masaki
Kobayashi Japan 1959
Human Condition 2 Masaki
Kobayashi Japan 1959
Human Condition 3 Masaki
Kobayashi Japan 1961
Humanite Bruno
Dumont France 1999
Hunger Steve
McQueen UK 2008
Hunt, The Thomas
Vinterberg Denmark 2012
Hurt Locker, The Kathryn
Bigelow US 2008
Hustler, The Robert
Rossen US 1961
I Origins Mike
Cahill US 2014
I Vitelloni (Criterion) Federico
Fellini Italy 1953
Ibunda Teguh Karya Indonesia 1986
Ice Storm, The Ang
Lee US 1997
If Lindsay
Anderson UK 1968
Il Postino Michael
Radford Italy 1994
Impossible, The Juan
Antonio Bayona Spain 2012
In A Better World Susanne
Bier Denmark 2010
In A Lonely Place Nicholas
Ray US 1950
In America Jim
Sheridan Ireland 2002
In The Heat of The Night Norman
Jewison US 1967
In The Mood For Love (Criterion) Wong Kar Wai Hong
Kong 2000
In The Realm of The Senses Nagisa
Oshima Japan 1976
In The Valley of Elah Paul
Haggis US 2007
In This World Michael
Winterbottom Afghanistan 2002
In Which We Serve David
Lean UK 1942
Inception Christopher
Nolan US 2010
Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade Steven Spielberg US 1989
Indiana Jones and The Temple Of Doom Steven Spielberg US 1984
Indiscretion Of An American Wife (Criterion) Vittorio De Sica US 1953
Infernal Affair Andrew
Lau Hong Kong 2002
Infernal Affair 2 Andrew
Lau Hong Kong 2003
Informant, The Steven
Soderbergh US 2009
Informer, The John
Ford US 1935
Inherit The Wind Stanley
Kramer US 1960
Inheritance / Arven Per
Fly Denmark 2003
Inside Llewyn Davis Joel
Coen US 2013
Insider, The Michael
Mann US 1999
Interiors Woody
Allen US 1978
Intimacy Patrice
Chereau UK 2001
Into The Wild Sean
Penn US 2007
Intolerance D.W.
Griffith US 1916
Invasion of The Body Snatchers Don Siegel US 1956
Investigation of A Citizen Above Suspicion Elio Petri Italy 1970
Invictus Clint Eastwood US 2009
Iron Lady, The Phyllida
Lloyd UK 2011
Irreversible Gaspar
Noe France 2002
Isle, The Kim
Ki Duk South Korea 2000
It All Starts Today Bertrand
Tavernier France 1999
It Happened One Night Frank
Capra US 1934
J. Edgar Clint
Eastwood US 2011
Jackal of Nahueltoro Miguel
Littin Chile 1970
Jane Eyre Cary
Fukunaga UK 2011
Japon Carlos Reygadas Mexico 2002
Jaws Steven
Spielberg US 1975
Jeanne Dielman 23 Quai Du Commerce 1080 Bruxelles Chantal Akerman Belgium 1975
Jesus of Montreal Denys
Arcand Canada 1989
JFK Oliver Stone US 1991
Johnny Got His Gun Dalton
Trumbo US 1971
Johnny Guitar Nicholas
Ray US 1954
Joint Security Area Park
Chan Wook South Korea 2000
Joy Luck Club, The Wayne
Wang US 1993
Jules and Jim Francois Truffaut France 1962
Juno Jason Reitman US 2007
Jurassic Park Steven
Spielberg US 1993
Kabhi Alvida Naa Kehna Karan
Johar India 2006
Kadosh Amos
Gitai Israel 1999
Kai Po Che / Brothers For Life Abhishek Kapoor India
Kal Ho Naa Ho Nikhil
Advani India 2003
Karate Kid II, The John
G. Avildsen US 1986
Ken Park Larry
Clark US 2002
Khakee Rajkumar
Santoshi India 2004
Kid With A Bike, The Jean
Pierre Dardenne Belgium 2011
Kill Bill Vol 1 Quentin
Tarantino US 2003
Kill Bill Vol 2 Quentin
Tarantino US 2004
Killer, The John
Woo Hong Kong 1989
Killing Fields, The Roland
Joffe UK 1984
King Kong Merian
C. Cooper US 1933
King of Masks Wu
Tian Ming China 1996
King Of The Hill Steven
Soderbergh US 1993
King's Game Nikolaj
Arcel Denmark 2004
King's Speech, The Tom
Hooper UK 2010
Kinsey Bill Condon US 2004
Kiss Me Deadly Robert
Aldrich US 1955
Kiss of The Spider Woman Hector
Babenco US 1985
Kiss, The Thomas
Edison US 1896
Kite Runner, The Marc
Forster US 2007
Klute Alan J. Pakula US 1971
Kramer vs Kramer Robert
Benton US 1979
L.A. Confidential Curtis
Hanson US 1997
La Belle Noiseuse Jacques
Rivette France 1991
La Captive / Captive, The Chantal
Akerman Belgium 2000
La Ceremonie Claude
Chabrol France 1995
La Femme Nikita Luc
Besson France 1990
La Grande Bouffe Marco
Ferreri France 1973
La Jetee Chris
Marker France 1962
La Notte Michelangelo
Antonioni Italy 1961
Lacombe Lucian (Criterion) Louis
Malle France 1974
Lady Eve, The Preston Sturges US 1941
Lady From Shanghai, The Orson
Welles US 1947
Lady Vanished, The (Criterion) Alfred Hitchcock UK
Ladybird Ladybird Ken
Loach UK 1994
L'age D'or Luis
Bunuel Spain 1930
Landscape In The Mist Theo
Angelopoulos Greece 1988
L'argent Robert
Bresson France 1983
Last Emperor, The Bernardo
Bertolucci Italy 1987
Last King of Scotland, The Kevin
Macdonald UK 2006
Last Metro, The Francois
Truffaut France 1980
Last Night Don
McKellar Canada 1998
Last Picture Show, The Peter
Bogdanovich US 1971
Last Present Oh
Ki Hwan South Korea 2001
Last Supper, The Tomas
Gutierrez-Alea Cuba 1976
Last Tango In Paris Bernardo
Bertolucci Italy 1972
Last Temptation of Christ, The (Criterion) Martin Scorsese US 1988
L'atalante Jean
Vigo France 1934
Laura Otto Preminger US 1944
L'avventura (Criterion) Michelangelo
Antonioni Italy 1960
Lawrence of Arabia David
Lean UK 1962
Le Boucher Claude
Chabrol France 1970
Le Cercle Rouge Jean
Pierre Melville France 1970
Le Corbeau / Raven, The (Criterion) Henri Georges Clouzot France
League Of Their Own, A Penny
Marshall US 1992
Leaving Las Vegas Mike
Figgis US 1995
L'eclisse / Eclipse, The (Criterion) Michelangelo Antonioni Italy
Leopard Man Jacques
Tourneur US 1943
Leopard, The Luchino
Visconti Italy 1963
Les Dames Du Bois De Boulogne (Criterion) Robert Bresson France 1945
Les Miserables Tom
Hooper US, UK 2012
Lethal Weapon Richard
Donner US 1987
Lethal Weapon 2 Richard
Donner US 1989
Letter From An Unknown Woman Xu
Jing Lei China 2004
Letters From Iwo Jima Clint
Eastwood US 2006
Life of Emile Zola, The William
Dieterle US 1937
Life of Jesus, The Bruno
Dumont France 1997
Life With My Father / La Vie Avec Mon Pere Sebastien Rose Canada 2005
Like Father Like Son Hirokazu
Kore Eda Japan 2013
Lincoln Steven
Spielberg US 2012
Lion In Winter, The Anthony
Harvey UK 1968
Little Big Man Arthur
Penn US 1970
Lives of Others, The Florian
Henckel-Donnersmarck Germany 2006
Lolita Stanley
Kubrick US 1962
Lone Star John
Sayles US 1996
Long Goodbye, The Robert
Altman US 1973
Longest Nite Patrick
Yau Hong Kong 1997
Look of Love, The Michael
Winterbottom US 2013
Lord of The Ring 1 Peter
Jackson New Zealand 2001
Lord of The Ring 2 Peter
Jackson New Zealand 2002
Lord of The Ring 3 Peter
Jackson New Zealand 2003
Los Olvidados Luis
Bunuel Mexico 1950
Lost Highway David
Lynch US 1997
Lost Weekend, The Billy
Wilder US 1945
Lost World, The Steven
Spielberg US 1997
Love on A Diet Johnnie
To Hong Kong 2001
Love Story Arthur
Hiller US 1970
Lust, Caution Ang
Lee China 2007
M Fritz Lang Germany 1931
Mad Hot Ballroom Marilyn
Agrelo US 2005
Mad Max George
Miller Australia 1979
Madness Of King George, The Nicholas
Hytner UK 1994
Magnolia Paul
Thomas Anderson US 1999
Mahanagar / Big City Satyajit
Ray India 1963
Maltese Falcon, The John
Huston US 1941
Man Called Hero, A Andrew
Lau Hong Kong 1999
Man Escaped, A Robert
Bresson France 1956
Man For All Season, A Fred
Zinnemann US 1966
Man Who Knew Too Much, The Alfred
Hitchcock US 1956
Man Who Laughs, The Paul
Muni US 1928
Man Who Shot Liberty Valance, The John Ford US 1962
Man With The Golden Arm, The Otto
Preminger US 1955
Man Without A Past, The Aki
Kaurismaki Finland 2002
Manchurian Candidate, The John
Frankenheimer US 1962
Manhattan Woody
Allen US 1979
Mansfield Park Patricia
Rozema UK 1999
Manslaughter Per
Fly Denmark 2005
Many Wars Ago / Uomini Contro Francesco Rosi Italy 1970
Marathon Man John
Schlesinger US 1976
Marriage of Maria Braun, The (Criterion) Rainer Werner Fassbinder Germany 1979
Marty Delbert Mann US 1955
MASH Robert Altman US 1970
Mask Peter
Bogdanovich US 1985
Master and Commander Peter
Weir UK 2003
Master, The Paul
Thomas Anderson US 2012
Match Point Woody
Allen UK 2005
Maurice James
Ivory UK 1987
Me and You and Everyone We Know Miranda July US 2005
Mean Streets Martin
Scorsese US 1973
Medium Cool Haskell
Wexler US 1969
Memories of Murder Bong
Joon Ho South Korea 2003
Mephisto Istvan
Szabo Hungary 1981
Metropolis Fritz
Lang Germany 1927
Metropolitan (Criterion) Whit
Stillman US 1990
Michael Clayton Tony
Gilroy US 2007
Midnight Cowboy John
Schlesinger US 1969
Midnight Express Alan
Parker US 1978
Milk Gus Van Sant US 2008
Million Dollar Baby Clint
Eastwood US 2004
Millions Danny
Boyle UK 2004
Minority Report Steven
Spielberg US 2002
Miracle of Bern, The Sonke
Wortmann Germany 2003
Miss Julie Alf
Sjoberg Sweden 1951
Missing Costa Gavras US 1982
Mission Impossible 2 John
Woo US 2000
Mission, The Roland
Joffe UK 1986
Mississippi Burning Alan
Parker US 1988
Modern Times Charles
Chaplin US 1936
Molokai Paul
Cox Australia 1999
Moment To Remember, A John
H Lee South Korea 2004
Moneyball Bennett
Miller US 2011
Mongolian Tale Xie
Fei Mongolia 1995
Monsieur Hire Patrice
Leconte France 1989
Monsieur Vincent Maurice
Cloche France 1947
Monsoon Wedding Mira
Nair India 2001
Monster Patty
Jenkins US 2003
Monster's Ball Marc
Forster US 2001
Montenegro Dusan
Makavejev Serbia 1981
Moolade / Protection Ousmane
Sembene Senegal 2004
Moonlighting Jerzy
Skolimowski UK 1982
Moonstruck Norman
Jewison US 1987
Moscow Does Not Believe In Tears Vladimir Menshov Russia 1979
Mother of Mine Klaus
Haro Finland 2005
Mouchette Robert
Bresson France 1967
Moulin Rouge Baz
Luhrmann Australia 2001
Mr. And Mrs. Iyer Aparna
Sen India 2002
Mr. Deeds Goes To Town Frank
Capra US 1936
Munich Steven Spielberg US 2005
Murderball (Docu) Henry
Alex Rubin US 2005
Murmur of The Heart Louis
Malle France 1971
Music Box Costa
Gavras US 1989
Music Room, The / Jalsaghar Satyajit
Ray India 1958
Mutiny On The Bounty Frank
Lloyd US 1935
My Beautiful Laundrette Stephen
Frears UK 1985
My Best Friend's Wedding P.J.
Hogan US 1997
My Brilliant Career Gillian
Armstrong Australia 1979
My Brother Ahn
Kwon Tae South Korea 2004
My Brother The Devil Sally
El Hosaini UK 2012
My Darling Clementine John
Ford US 1946
My Fair Lady George
Cukor US 1964
My Father's Glory Yves
Robert France 1990
My Left Foot Jim
Sheridan Ireland 1989
My Life As A Dog Lasse
Hallstrom Sweden 1985
My Mother's Castle Yves
Robert France 1990
My Mother's Smile Marco
Bellocchio Italy 2002
My Nikifor Krzysztof
Krauze Poland 2005
My Own Private Idaho Gus
Van Sant US 1991
My Voyage To Italy (Docu) Martin
Scorsese US 2001
My Way Kang
Je Gyu South Korea 2011
Mystic River Clint
Eastwood US 2003
Naked Mike Leigh UK 1993
Naked Kiss Samuel
Fuller US 1964
Name of The Rose, The Jean
Jacques Annaud France 1986
Nanook of The North (Criterion) Robert Flaherty US 1922
Nashville Robert
Altman US 1975
Natural Born Killers Oliver
Stone US 1994
Nazarin Luis
Bunuel Mexico 1959
Nebraska Alexander
Payne US 2013
Network Sidney
Lumet US 1976
Never Let Me Go Mark
Romanek US 2010
New Land,The Jan
Troell Sweden 1972
New York New York Martin
Scorsese US 1977
Night and Fog (Criterion) Alain
Resnais France 1955
Night Moves Arthur
Penn US 1975
Night of The Hunter, The Charles
Laughton US 1955
Night of The Iguana, The John
Huston US 1964
Night of The Living Dead George
Romero US 1968
Nixon Oliver Stone US 1995
No Country For Old Men Joel
Coen US 2007
No Man's Land Denis
Tanovic Bosnia 2001
No One Knows About The Persian Cats Bahman Ghobadi Iran
No One Writes To The Colonel Arturo
Ripstein Mexico 1999
Nobody Knows Hirokazu
Kore Eda Japan 2004
North By Northwest Alfred
Hitchcock US 1959
Nosferatu F.W.
Murnau Germany 1922
Nosferatu Werner
Herzog Germany 1979
Notes On A Scandal Richard
Eyre UK 2006
Notorious Alfred
Hitchcock US 1946
November 1828 Teguh
Karya Indonesia 1979
Nowhere Boy Sam
Taylor Wood UK 2009
Nowhere In Africa Caroline
Link Germany 2002
Nun's Story, The Fred
Zinnemann US 1959
O Lucky Man Lindsay
Anderson UK 1973
Odd Couple, The Gene
Saks US 1968
Of Gods And Men Xavier
Beauvois France 2010
Officer and A Gentleman, An Taylor
Hackford US 1982
Official Story, The Luis
Puenzo Argentina 1985
Old Boy Park
Chan Wook South Korea 2003
Oliver! Carol Reed UK 1968
On Golden Pond Mark
Rydell US 1982
On The Town Stanley
Donen US 1949
On The Waterfront Elia
Kazan US 1954
Once John Carney Ireland 2006
Once Upon A Time In America Sergio
Leone US 1983
Once Upon A Time in Anatolia Nuri Bilge Ceylan Turkey
Once Upon A Time In China Tsui
Hark Hong Kong 1991
Once Upon A Time In China 2 Tsui
Hark Hong Kong 1992
Once Upon A Time In The West Sergio Leone Italy 1968
Once Were Warriors Lee
Tamahori New Zealand 1994
One Day In September Kevin
Macdonald Germany 1999
One False Move Carl
Franklin US 1992
One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest Milos Forman US 1975
Onibaba Kaneto
Shindo Japan 1964
Open Your Eyes Alejandro
Amenabar Spain 1997
Ordinary People Robert
Redford US 1980
Ossessione Luchino
Visconti Italy 1943
Out of Africa Sidney
Pollack US 1985
Out of The Past Jacques
Tourneur US 1947
Ox Bow Incident, The William
A. Wellman US 1943
Paisan Roberto
Rossellini Italy 1946
Pandora's Box G.W.
Pabst Germany 1929
Pandora's Promise Robert
Stone US 2013
Pan's Labyrinth Guillermo
Del Toro Spain 2006
Parallax View, The Alan
J. Pakula US 1974
Parenthood Ron
Howard US 1989
Pasir Berbisik / Whispering Sands Nan T. Achnas Indonesia 2001
Passage To India, A David
Lean UK 1984
Passenger, The Michelangelo
Antonioni Italy 1975
Passion of Joan Of Arc, The (Criterion) Carl Dreyer France 1928
Passion of The Christ, the Mel
Gibson US 2004
Past, The Asghar
Farhadi France 2013
Pather Panchali Satyajit
Ray India 1955
Paths of Glory Stanley
Kubrick US 1957
Patience Stone, The Atiq
Rahimi Afghanistan 2012
Patton Franklin
J. Schaffner US 1970
Peeping Tom Michael
Powell UK 1960
Peking Opera Blues Tsui
Hark Hong Kong 1986
People vs Larry Flint Milos
Forman US 1996
People's Hero Derek
Yee Hong Kong 1987
Perempuan Dalam Pasungan Ismail
Soebardjo Indonesia 1981
Persona Ingmar
Bergman Sweden 1966
Personal Best Robert
Towne US 1982
Personal Journey With Martin Scorsese Martin Scorsese US 1995
Phantom Carriage, The Victor
Sjostrom Sweden 1921
Philadelphia Jonathan
Demme US 1993
Philomena Stephen
Frears UK 2013
Pianist, The Roman
Polanski Poland 2002
Piano Teacher, The Michael Haneke France 2001
Piano, The Jane
Campion New Zealand 1993
Pickpocket (Criterion) Robert
Bresson France 1959
Picnic At Hanging Rock (Criterion) Peter Weir Australia 1975
Pillow Book, The Peter
Greenaway UK 1996
Pixote Hector Babenco Brazil 1981
Place In The Sun, A George
Stevens US 1951
Planes, Trains and Automobile John Hughes US 1987
Planet of The Apes Franklin
J. Schaffner US 1968
Platoon Oliver Stone US 1986
Player, The Robert
Altman US 1992
Pleasantville Gary
Ross US 1998
Point Blank John
Boorman US 1967
Polisse Maiwenn
France 2011
Pollock Ed
Harris US 2000
Poseidon Adventure, The Ronald
Neame UK 1972
Precious / Push Lee
Daniels US 2009
Predator John
McTiernan US 1987
Pretty Woman Garry
Marshall US 1990
Pride and Prejudice Joe
Wright UK 2005
Prince of Tides, The Barbra
Streisand US 1991
Princesas Fernando
Leon De Aranoa Spain 2005
Princess Mononoke Hayao
Miyazaki Japan 1997
Princess of Montpensier, The / La Princesse De Montpensier Bertrand Tavernier France 2010
Prizzi's Honor John
Huston US 1985
Project A II Jackie
Chan Hong Kong 1987
Prophet, A / Un Prophete Jacques
Audiard France 2009
Psycho Alfred Hitchcock US 1960
Public Enemies Michael
Mann US 2009
Pulp Fiction Quentin
Tarantino US 1994
Puppetmaster, The Hou
Hsiao Hsien Taiwan 1993
Purple Noon Rene
Clement France 1960
Purple Rose Of Cairo Woody
Allen US 1985
Queen Margot Patrice
Chereau France 1994
Queen, The Stephen
Frears UK 2006
Querelle Rainer
Werner Fassbinder Germany 1982
Quiet American, The Phillip
Noyce US 2002
Quiet Man, The John
Ford US 1952
Quiz Show Robert
Redford US 1994
Rabbit Hole John
Cameron Mitchell US 2010
Rabbit Proof Fence Phillip
Noyce Australia 2002
Rabid David
Cronenberg Canada 1977
Rachel Getting Married Jonathan
Demme US 2008
Rachida Yamina
Bachir Algeria 2002
Radio Days Woody
Allen US 1987
Raging Bull Martin
Scorsese US 1980
Raiders Of The Lost Ark Steven
Spielberg US 1981
Raining Stones Ken
Loach UK 1993
Raise The Red Lantern Zhang
Yimou China 1991
Raisin In The Sun Daniel
Petri US 1961
Rana's Wedding Hany
Abu-Assad Palestine 2002
Rang De Basanti Rakeysh
Omprakash Mehra India 2006
Rashomon (Criterion) Akira
Kurosawa Japan 1950
Rear Window Alfred
Hitchcock US 1954
Rebel Without A Cause Nicholas
Ray US 1955
Red Krzysztof
Kieslowski France 1994
Red Desert, The Michelangelo
Antonioni Italy 1964
Red Riding 1974 Julian
Jarrold UK 2009
Red Riding 1980 James
Marsh UK 2009
Red Riding 1983 Anand
Tucker UK 2009
Red River Howard
Hawks US 1948
Red Sorghum Zhang
Yimou China 1987
Reds Warren Beatty US 1981
Repulsion Roman
Polanski UK 1965
Requiem For A Dream Darren
Aronofsky US 2000
Resurrection Daniel
Petri US 1980
Return of The Jedi Richard
Marquand US 1983
Revenge of A Kabuki Actor / Actor's Revenge, An Kon Ichikawa Japan 1963
Reversal of Fortune Barbet
Schroeder US 1990
Revolutionary Road, The Sam
Mendes US 2008
Rio Bravo Howard
Hawks US 1959
Rio Grande John
Ford US 1950
Robocop Paul
Verhoeven US 1987
Rocky John G. Avildsen US 1976
Romance Chaterine
Breillat France 1999
Rome Open City Roberto
Rossellini Italy 1945
Romeo and Juliet Baz
Luhrmann US 1996
Romeo and Juliet Franco
Zeffirelli Italy 1968
Romper Stomper Geoffrey
Wright Australia 1992
Romuald and Juliette / Mama There Is A Man in Your Bed Coline Serreau France 1989
Room With A View, A James
Ivory UK 1986
Rosemary's Baby Roman
Polanski US 1968
Rouge Stanley Kwan Hong Kong 1987
Rules of The Game, The (Criterion) Jean Renoir France 1939
Run Lola Run Tom
Tykwer Germany 1998
Running Out of Time Johnnie
To Hong Kong 1999
Rush Ron Howard US 2013
Rust and Bone Jacques
Audiard Belgium 2012
Sabrina Billy Wilder US 1954
Saga of Gosta Berling, The Mauritz
Stiller Sweden 1924
Saint Ralph Michael
McGowan Canada 2004
Salo 120 Days of Sodom (Criterion) Pier Paolo Pasolini Italy 1975
Salvador Oliver
Stone US 1986
Salvatore Giuliano Francesco
Rosi Italy 1961
Samurai Rebellion Masaki
Kobayashi Japan 1967
Sansho The Bailliff / Sansho Dayu Kenji Mizoguchi Japan 1954
Saturday Night and Sunday Morning Karel Reisz UK 1960
Saturday Night Fever John
Badham US 1977
Saving Private Ryan Steven
Spielberg US 1998
Scanners David
Cronenberg Canada 1981
Scarface (1932) Howard
Hawks US 1932
Scarface (1983) Brian
De Palma US 1983
Scarlet Street Fritz
Lang US 1945
Scenes From A Marriage (Criterion) Ingmar Bergman Sweden 1973
Schindler's List Steven
Spielberg US 1993
Scorpio Rising Kenneth
Anger US 1964
Scream Wes Craven US 1996
Sea Inside, The Alejandro
Amenabar Spain 2004
Searchers, The John
Ford US 1956
Searching for Sugar Man Malik
Bendjelloul Denmark 2012
Seconds John
Frankenheimer US 1966
Secret in Their Eyes, The Juan
Jose Campanella Argentina 2009
Secret of The Grain, The / La Graine et Le Mulet Abdellatif Kechiche France 2007
Secret Sunshine Lee
Chang Dong South Korea 2007
Secrets and Lies Mike
Leigh UK 1996
Sense and Sensibility Ang
Lee UK 1995
Separation, A Asghar
Farhadi Iran 2011
Serpentine Dances Thomas
Edison US 1895
Seven David Fincher US 1995
Seven Chances Buster
Keaton US 1925
Seven Samurai Akira
Kurosawa Japan 1954
Seventh Heaven Frank
Borzage US 1927
Seventh Seal, The (Criterion) Ingmar Bergman Sweden 1957
Shadow of A Doubt Alfred
Hitchcock US 1943
Shakespeare In Love John
Madden US 1998
Shall We Dance? Masayuki
Suo Japan 1996
Shame Ingmar Bergman Sweden 1968
Shane George Stevens US 1953
Shattered Glass Bill
Ray US 2003
Shawshank Redemption, The Frank
Darabont US 1994
Sherlock Jr. Buster
Keaton US 1924
Shining, The Stanley
Kubrick US 1980
Shiri Kang Je-Gyu South Korea 1999
Shock Corridor Samuel
Fuller US 1963
Shock Doctrine, The Michael
Winterbottom US 2009
Sideways Alexander
Payne US 2004
Silence of The Lambs, The (Criterion) Jonathan Demme US 1991
Silence, The (Criterion) Ingmar
Bergman Sweden 1963
Silenced Hwang
Dong Hyuk South Korea 2011
Silkwood Mike
Nichols US 1983
Silver Linings Playbook David
O. Russell US 2012
Simple Life, A Ann
Hui Hong Kong, China 2011
Simple Plan, A Sam
Raimi US 1998
Sin Nombre Cary
Fukunaga Mexico 2009
Singin' In The Rain Stanley
Donen US 1952
Sixth Sense, The M.
Night Shyamalan US 1999
Skin I Live In, The Pedro
Almodovar Spain 2011
Skyfall Sam Mendes UK 2012
Sleeping Sickness Ulrich
Kohler Germany 2011
Slumdog Millionaire Danny
Boyle UK 2008
Smiles of A Summer Night (Criterion) Ingmar Bergman Sweden
Social Network, The David
Fincher US 2010
Solas Benito
Zambrano Spain 1999
Some Like It Hot Billy
Wilder US 1959
Song of The Exile Ann
Hui Hong Kong 1990
Songs From The Second Floor Roy
Andersson Sweden 2000
Son's Room, The Nanni
Moretti Italy 2001
Sophie's Choice Alan
J. Pakula US 1982
Sopyonje Im
Kwon Taek South Korea 1993
Spartacus (Criterion) Stanley
Kubrick US 1960
Speed Jan De Bont US 1994
Spellbound Alfred
Hitchcock US 1945
Spiderman 2 Sam
Raimi US 2004
Spirited Away Hayao
Miyazaki Japan 2001
Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter… and Spring Kim Ki Duk South
Korea 2003
Stagecoach John
Ford US 1939
Stalag 17 Billy
Wilder US 1953
Star 80 Bob Fosse US 1983
Star Is Born, A George
Cukor US 1954
Star Wars George
Lucas US 1977
Steel Magnolias Herbert
Ross US 1989
Still Life Jia
Zhangke China 2006
Still Walking Hirokazu
Kore Eda Japan 2008
Sting, The George
Roy Hill US 1973
Stolen Children, The Gianni
Amelio Italy 1992
Storm Riders, The Andrew
Lau Hong Kong 1998
Story of Women, The Claude
Chabrol France 1988
Straight Story, The David
Lynch US 1999
Stranger By The Lake Alain
Guiraudie France 2013
Strangers on a Train Alfred
Hitchcock US 1951
Straw Dogs Sam
Peckinpah UK 1971
Streamers Robert
Altman US 1983
Streetcar Named Disire, A Elia
Kazan US 1951
Strictly Ballroom Baz
Luhrmann Australia 1992
Strong Man, The Thomas
Edison US 1894
Stunt Man, The Richard
Rush US 1980
Summer Palace Lou
Ye China 2006
Sunday in The Country, A Bertrand
Tavernier France 1984
Sunrise F.W. Murnau US 1927
Sunset Boulevard Billy
Wilder US 1950
Sunshine Istvan
Szabo Hungary 1999
Superman Richard
Donner US 1978
Surrogate Womb, The Im
Kwon Taek South Korea 1987
Suspiria Dario
Argento Italy 1977
Sweeney Todd Tim
Burton US 2007
Sweet Hereafter, The Atom
Egoyan Canada 1997
Sweet Smell of Success Alexander
Mackendrick US 1957
Swing Time George
Stevens US 1936
Synecdoche, NewYork Charlie
Kaufman US 2008
Syrian Bride, The Eran Riklis Israel 2004
Taegukgi Kang
Je-Gyu South Korea 2004
Take Shelter Jeff
Nichols US 2011
Taking Off Milos
Forman US 1971
Talaash Reema
Kagti India 2012
Tale of Winter, A Eric
Rohmer France 1992
Talented Mr. Ripley, The Anthony
Minghella US 1999
Talk To Her Pedro
Almodovar Spain 2002
Tarnation Jonathan
Caouette US 2004
Taxi Blues Pavel
Lungin Russia 1990
Taxi Driver Martin
Scorsese US 1976
Taxidermia Gyorgy
Palfi Hungary 2006
Ten Canoes Rolf
De Heer Australia 2006
Ten Commandments, The Cecil
B. DeMille US 1923
Tenant, The Roman
Polanski France 1976
Terminator 2, The: Judgement Day James Cameron US 1991
Terminator, The James
Cameron US 1984
Terms of Endearment James
L. Brooks US 1983
Texas Chainsaw Masacre, The Tobe
Hooper US 1974
Thelma And Louise Ridley
Scott US 1991
There Will Be Blood Paul
Thomas Anderson US 2007
Thesis / Tesis Alejandro
Amenabar Spain 1996
They Shoot Horses Don't They Sidney Pollack US
Thief of Bagdad, The Raoul
Walsh US 1924
Thin Blue Line, The Errol
Morris US 1988
Third Man, The Carol
Reed US 1949
This Sporting Life Lindsay
Anderson UK 1963
Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada Tommy Lee Jones US 2005
Three Monkeys Nuri
Bilge Ceylan Turkey 2008
Three Musketeers, The Fred
Niblo US 1921
Three Times Hou
Hsiao Hsien Taiwan 2005
Through A Glass Darkly (Criterion) Ingmar Bergman Sweden
Tie Me Up Tie Me Down Pedro
Almodovar Spain 1990
Time For Drunken Horses Bahman
Ghobadi Iran 2000
Time Regained Raul
Ruiz France 1999
Time To Live Time To Die, A Hou
Hsiao Hsien Taiwan 1985
Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy Tomas Alfredson UK
Titanic James Cameron US 1997
Titus Julie Taymor US 1999
Tjoet Nya Dien Eros
Djarot Indonesia 1988
To Be or Not To Be Ernst
Lubitsch US 1942
To Kill A Mockingbird Robert
Mulligan US 1962
To Live Zhang
Yimou China 1994
To Live and Die In L.A. William
Friedkin US 1985
Tokyo Story (Criterion) Yasujiro
Ozu Japan 1953
Tom Jones Tony
Richardson UK 1963
Tootsie Sidney Pollack US 1982
Top Gun Tony
Scott US 1986
Top Hat Mark
Sandrich US 1935
Topsy Turvy Mike
Leigh UK 1999
Touch of Evil Orson
Welles US 1958
Touch of Sin, A Jia
Zhangke China 2013
Touching The Void Kevin
MacDonald UK 2003
Towering Inferno, The Irwin
Allen, John Guillermin US 1974
Town, The Ben
Affleck US 2010
Toy Story John
Lasseter US 1995
Tracker, The Rolf
De Heer Australia 2002
Traffic (Criterion) Steven
Soderbergh US 2000
Trainspotting Danny
Boyle UK 1996
Treasure of The Sierra Madre, The John Huston US 1948
Tree of Life, The Terrence
Malick US 2011
Trial of Joan of Arc Robert
Bresson France 1962
Trip To The Moon, A Georges
Melies France 1902
Tristana Luis
Bunuel Spain 1970
Trouble With The Curve Robert
Lorenz US 2012
Troubled Water Erik
Poppe Norway 2008
Truman Show, The Peter
Weir US 1998
Tuya's Marriage Wang
Quan'an China 2007
Twilight Samurai, The Yoji
Yamada Japan 2002
Two Family House Raymond
de Felitta US 2000
Ugetsu Kenji Mizoguchi Japan 1953
Umberto D Vittorio
De Sica Italy 1952
Umbrellas of Cherbourg, The Jacques
Demy France 1964
Un Chien Andalou Luis
Bunuel Spain 1929
Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives Apichatpong Weerasethakul Thailand 2010
Under The Volcano John
Huston US 1984
Underground Emir
Kusturica Serbia 1995
Undo Shunji Iwai Japan 1994
Unforgiven Clint
Eastwood US 1992
United 93 Paul
Greengrass US 2006
Unknown Woman, The / La Sconosciuta Giuseppe Tornatore Italy
Untouchables, The Brian
De Palma US 1987
Unwritten Law, The Ng
See Yuen Hong Kong 1985
Up In The Air Jason
Reitman US 2009
Usia 18 Teguh
Karya Indonesia 1980
Usual Suspects, The Bryan
Singer US 1995
Vagabond Agnes
Varda France 1985
Vanishing, The George
Sluizer Netherlands 1988
Vera Drake Mike
Leigh UK 2004
Verdict, The Sidney
Lumet US 1982
Vertigo Alfred
Hitchcock US 1958
Victim Basil Dearden UK 1961
Videodrome David
Cronenberg Canada 1983
Vincere Marco
Bellocchio Italy 2008
Virgin Spring, The (Criterion) Ingmar Bergman Sweden 1960
Viridiana Luis
Bunuel Mexico 1961
Vision Margarethe
Von Trota Germany 2009
Volver Pedro Almodovar Spain 2006
Voyage In Italy / Journey To Italy Roberto Rossellini Italy 1954
Wages of Fear, The (Criterion) Henri Georges Clouzot France 1953
Wake In Fright / Outback Ted
Kotcheff Australia 1971
Walkabout Nicolas
Roeg Australia 1971
Wall Street Oliver
Stone US 1987
Waltz With Bashir Ari
Folman Israel 2008
War Dance Sean
Fine Uganda 2007
War Horse Steven
Spielberg US 2011
Warriors of The Rainbow: Siddiq Bale Wei Te Sheng Taiwan
Watering The Gardener Louis
Lumiere France 1895
Way Down East D.W.
Griffith US 1920
Way We Were, The Sidney
Pollack US 1973
Wedding Banquet, The Ang
Lee Taiwan 1993
Welcome To Dongmakgol Park
Kwang Hyun South Korea 2005
Werckmeister Harmonies Bela
Tarr Hungary 2001
West Side Story Robert
Wise US 1961
What Ever Happened To Baby Jane Robert Aldrich US 1962
What's Love Got To Do With It? Brian Gibson US
When We Were Kings Leon
Gast US 1996
Whisper of The Heart Yoshifumi
Kondo Japan 1995
White Krzysztof
Kieslowski France 1994
White Material Claire
Denis France 2009
White Ribbon, The Michael
Haneke Germany 2009
Whole Wide World, The
Dan Ireland US 1996
Wild Bunch, The Sam
Peckinpah US 1969
Wild Strawberries Ingmar
Bergman Sweden 1957
Wind That Shakes The Barley, The Ken Loach Ireland 2006
Wings William A.
Wellman US 1927
Winter Light (Criterion) Ingmar
Bergman Sweden 1962
Winter's Bone Debra
Granik US 2010
Wit Mike Nichols US 2001
Witness Peter
Weir US 1985
Wizard of Oz, The Victor
Fleming US 1939
Wolf of Wall Street, The Martin
Scorsese US 2013
Woman in The Dunes Hiroshi
Teshigahara Japan 1964
Woman Under The Influence (Criterion ) John Cassavetes US 1974
Women In Love Ken
Russell UK 1969
Wonderland Michael
Winterbottom UK 1999
Workers Leaving The Factory Louis
Lumiere France 1895
World Apart, A Chris
Menges South Africa 1988
World of Apu, The Satyajit
Ray India 1959
Wrestler, The Darren
Aronofsky US 2008
Wrong Rosary Mahmut
Fazil Coskun Turkey 2009
Wuthering Heights William
Wyler US 1939
Xingu Cao Hamburger Brazil 2012
Y Tu Mama Tambien Alfonso
Cuaron Mexico 2001
Year of The Dragon Michael
Cimino US 1985
Year of The Living Dangerously, The Peter Weir Australia 1982
Year of The Quiet Sun, The Krzysztof
Zanussi Poland 1984
Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani Ayan
Mukerji India 2013
Yellow Sea, The Na
Hong Jin South Korea 2010
Yentl Barbra
Streisand US 1983
Yi Yi (Criterion) Edward
Yang Taiwan 2000
Yol Yilmaz Guney Turkey 1982
Yossi And Jagger Eytan
Fox Israel 2002
Young One, The Luis
Bunuel Spain 1960
Z Costa Gavras France 1969
Zabriskie Point Michelangelo
Antonioni US 1970
Zero Dark Thirty Kathryn
Bigelow US 2012
Zero Kelvin Hans
Petter Moland Norway 1995
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